Demolition Derby

Demolition Derby

(4, 6 & 8 Cylinder and Truck)
Saturday, August 1th , 6:00PM

Contact:  Mikey Miller 304-671-3180 and Bucky Engle (304) 820-8013

Power wheels – Ages 4-9

  1. Any regular electric power wheel is allowed.
  2. Stock battery may be replaced with a 12 volt lawn mower battery ONLY. May be located under hood or trunk, but must be secured and covered at all times. All batteries will be checked to ensure they do not exceed 12 volt.
  3. MUST wear a helmet. Bicycle helmets ARE allowed.
  4. Must have some form of seatbelt.
  5. Must be completely stock with no modifications.
  6. No metal frames or added sheet metal.
  7. No lowering or raising the front or rear.
  8. No passengers allowed.
  9. No studs or screws in tires.
  10. Track officials will aid competitors to get those unstuck.
  11. Winner to be determined by number of hits per track officials
  12. All track official decisions are final and not subject to appeal.

General Derby Rules & Regulations:

  1. Each driver must fill out an entry form. All drivers must supply their own car. Only one (1) entry per person per class.
  2. Entry fee – $20.00 per car. No refunds.
  3. All rules and regulations must be observed. Track operators or promoter reserves the right to approve or reject any and all entries.
  4. All drivers 16 or 17 years old must have a Notarized release form signed by his or her parent or guardian. No one under 16 years old can drive or be in track area. All drivers should be prepared to show valid driver’s license.
  5. All persons must sign a release form and receive a pit pass to be permitted in the pit area or on the track. Drivers only to receive free pit pass upon registration of car on day of show. All pit passes are $10.00 other than driver. Driver’s pit pass fee ($10) will be taken off of the entry fee.
  6. Both driver & mechanic must be present when vehicle is inspected and certified. Also both must be present at driver-mechanic meeting held one hour before event.
  7. Any driver or crew member disobeying the rules will cause his or her car to be disqualified. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated and will be grounds for disqualification. Drivers are responsible for the actions of their crew members.
  8. No alcoholic beverages or illegal substances (narcotics) are allowed in pit area or on the fairgrounds. Drivers or pit crews caught drinking or engaging with illegal substances (narcotics) disqualifies their car and driver.
  9. The promoter and/or Berkeley County Youth Fair Association will not be held responsible for any cars, parts or personal property before, during and after the show or overnight.
  10. Cars may be left at the grounds for pick up by local salvage people. If you want your car make sure you load it on your trailer and remove it from the grounds immediately after the derby. All cars left will be removed from grounds.
  11. The total purse for the entire event is $3,000.00. This money will be broken down into heat winners, main event, and Bang Up.  First Place only in each heat gets money and trophy. This person is eligible for the main event.

Drivers Entry:

  1. Entry and consent forms will be available at the Fairgrounds the night of the event. Please be at the track for inspection and sign up at least 1 ½ hours prior to event. All money must be paid the night of the event at the Fairgrounds.
  2. All drivers and cars must be entered and at the track one hour before the scheduled starting time of derby.
  3. Enter early! There will be no limit on the number of cars allowed.
  4. You must paint the car number on both side doors. Roof sign is required with the same number on each side. This is to make it easier for the lap counters to keep up with your laps. You may pick your number provided the number is not already taken.

Participant Regulations:

  1. All classes will be separated by the engine cylinder. 4 cylinder, 6cylinder, 8cylinder. Trucks must run in the truck class.
  2. All glass including windshield, side windows, rear window, head and tail lights must be removed. Hood latch mechanisms must be removed. Winding windows down is not permitted. Front windshield may be left in if you are only running the Figure 8. All glass including front windshield must be removed if you are running the Bang Up part of the Derby.
  3. Auto must be swept clean. No junk tires, wheels, metal parts, broken glass, etc. allowed in the car.
  4. Chrome molding strips and all seats except the driver’s seat must be removed. All carpet is to be removed.
  5. On a fresh car, rear end area cannot be mashed down, flattened or crushed.
  6. No coil to leaf conversions. All original body mounts must remain in car. Rear ends may be chained. NO FLAT STACKED LEAF SPRINGS.
  7. Welded or chained down engine mounts are recommended.
  8. Radiators must remain in original position or be taken out. Comparable replacement radiators are permitted. Radiators and cooling systems must have antifreeze flushed out and only water can be added. Transmission coolers are permitted but only if they are secured inside engine compartment.
  9. Four point drivers protection may be used, one bar only between the A- Pillars, one bar between the B-pillars, with one connecting side bar on the drivers and passenger side.
  10. All doors must be fastened shut by wire, straps, chains, or welded and reinforced for driver’s safety. All cars must have a minimum of at least driver door protection-it can be inside or outside the driver door and must extend 6” on either side of the drivers door. If on outside of door, material must be tapered back to car body at the end of reinforcement area.  Absolutely NO concrete will be allowed.
  11. No seam welding, no welding on frame or body except doors.
  12. Only one battery allowed. If battery is moved from original position, it must be placed on floorboard of the front passenger’s compartment in a box or crate. It must be securely fastened to floorboard and completely covered.
  13. Hood, trunk, or tailgate may be wired in six (6) places each, 2 strands of wire per hole. Light chains may be used on trunk or tailgate only. Hood may also be secured by all thread in four locations using no larger than ¾ all thread. Wiring must be from sheet metal to sheet metal. No other wiring to bumpers or frames. No welds on hood, trunk or tailgate. Officials will make decision on overuse of wire or chains. Hood & trunk must be left open until after inspection. Hood must remain on cars.
  14. It is mandatory that an opening be cut in hood over carburetor, approximately 12” or larger, square or round. Hood latch must be removed. It is also recommended that a hole be cut in middle of trunk lid for visibility. Exhaust pipes through hood must extend straight up
  15. Stock gas tanks may be removed form original position and may be placed inside the car in front of rear axle and no farther forward than the rear of the front seat. A portable tank in the form of a Marine tank or fuel cell is recommended. All tanks must be securely fastened to the floor. Gas hoses and fittings to fuel tanks must be secured and leak proof. Only metal or rubber gas lines permitted. No plastic lines. All lines going through the floor board must be covered with a larger rubber line so as not to wear a hole in the lines. A rubber grommet in each hole is OK. This will be checked by officials. Approximately 4 gallons of gas will be permitted per heat. Electric fuel pumps are permitted but must have shut off switch within driver’s reach. Inspection officials will give final approval on tanks and fittings. Tanks must be covered. Note: Gas tank can be left in original position if you are running the Figure 8 race only. Gas tank must be moved per instructions above if you run the Bang Up part of the Derby.
  16. No restrictions on tire size. Double tires or liquids in tires are not permitted. No studs or screws in rims to hold tires. No valve stem protectors. No split rims. Wheel weights must be removed. No solid tires (i.e. forklift tires).
  17. A strong wire or nylon mesh screen is required on windshield area. Heavy plexiglass or lexan is permitted in driver’s windshield.
  18. Safety belt, Z-90 approved helmet, goggles, safety glasses or face shields are required. A neck brace is recommended. Long pants and long sleeve shirt or jackets are required.
  19. No deliberate head-on collisions and no deliberate hitting on the drivers door.
  20. Vehicles must have dependable brakes at all times and boundaries must be observed.
  21. No cars are permitted in the competition area before the heat in which they are to participate.
  22. A vehicle will be disqualified if the driver’s door comes open during the derby.
  23. After the Figure 8 Derby is complete the cars that are capable of running from the heats and the feature will be brought back for a standard bang up Demolition Derby if all glass has been removed and the gas tank has been moved as instructed above. During this part of the derby a one minute limit is enforced by the track officials for re-start and making competitive contact with another car. Hits must be aggressive. Simple contact within the time limit does not constitute combat and could be considered sandbagging. Sandbagging may result in the driver being red flagged.
  24. A non-refundable $100.00 protest fee is required to contest another car. All protesting must be done before driver’s meeting.
  25. A fire extinguisher is recommended at close reach in driver’s compartment.
  26. No one riding on outside of cars or passengers inside the care at any time due to insurance regulations. This will result in automatic disqualification.
  27. Boundaries must be observed at all times. Any car shoved or driven out of bounds or is on or over a barrier may be immediately disqualified if Derby officials feel there is a safety hazard.
  28. The front end of your car may be reinforced within the following guidelines: All reinforcement must be kept behind the original grill & within the original sheet metal. Bars used must not exceed 2” in diameter. At least 50% of the radiator must be exposed to the front of the car. Bars must not extend back more than 24” towards the driver’s compartment. Bumpers may be from any year passenger car, attached to the car by stock hardware, late model bumper shocks, or hardnosed to the unibody. Bumper shocks may be lightly welded, bolted or chained. The Officials will be the judge of excess reinforcement and may require you to add or subtract metal as needed.
  29. If it doesn’t say you CAN do it, DON’T do it.
  30. All cars MUST run a Figure 8 Heat to compete in the Bang Up.
  31. Rules are subject to change without notice.

Demo Derby & Figure 8

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