65th Annual Miss Berkeley County Youth Fair Contest
Friday, August 1, 2025
Indoor Arena
Miss Youth Fair Contest – 7:00 p.m.
Tea, Interviews & Rehearsal
Friday, August 1, 2025, 1:00 p.m. at the Sycamore
Dear Contestants:
The 2025 Berkeley County Youth Fair is rapidly drawing near. The Miss Youth Fair contest is scheduled for Friday, August 1, 2025, with our tea and interviews at 3pm and the contest beginning at 7:00 p.m. This year we will celebrate the crowning of our 65th Miss Berkeley County Youth Fair Queen.
ALL AREAS OF THE APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED IN THOROUGHLY. Please READ ALL the Qualifications and Duties completely.
Contestants will be notified by phone, text and/or e-mail (if available) of the date, time and place for a group and individual picture for The Journal.
Casey Fields
Miss Berkeley County Youth Fair Chair
Qualifications and Duties:
- Must be a young woman in good standing with one of the organizations recognized by the Berkeley County Youth Fair, who abides by all the rules of the BCYF and the organization she represents.
- Must exhibit a project at the 2025 Berkeley County Youth Fair.
- Must be 14-20 years old on or before August 1 of the current Berkeley County Youth Fair year and not turning 21 years old before January 1 of that same year.
- Must be single, never married, have had no children, or become pregnant, and must not marry during her reign.
All contestants and the Miss BCYF Queen must wear appropriate attire for publicity, the reception, the contest, or any time representing the Berkeley County Youth Fair. The following items are prohibited: ripped or torn jeans, short shorts, short skirts, halter tops, spaghetti straps, strapless dresses or tops, exposed midriffs, visible cleavage, and visible tattoos. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Chair or refer to the dress code in the Miss BCYF Handbook.
The Miss Berkeley County Youth Fair embodies our county’s youth and should represent herself in a manner that commands respect. She must not be seen drinking, smoking, or using illegal drugs. She should avoid unsportsmanlike conduct and profanity. Any mention of such activities, whether in person or on any social media platform, will lead to disciplinary action by the BCYF executive board and the Miss BCYF chair. If a Miss BCYF’s personal behavior during her reign warrants removal from her title, she may be required to give up her crown and will be relieved of her duties. If a Miss BCYF is asked to step down, she will no longer be eligible for the Miss BCYF end-of-the-reign scholarship.
If the selected Miss Berkeley Co. Youth Fair Queen is unable to fulfill her obligations or maintain her qualifications, the first, second, or third runner-up will assume the title in the proper order. The young woman who is no longer eligible to hold the Miss BCYF Queen title must immediately return the Miss BCYF Queen crown, pin, sash, crown case, cape, pillow, and any other gifts received during her time as Miss BCYF in the same condition they were originally given at her crowning. The runner-up who takes on the responsibilities of Miss BCYF will not receive any scholarships but may reapply the following term to compete for Miss BCYF for full scholarship opportunities, provided her age and qualifications allow.
Miss Berkeley County Youth Fair contestants are required to attend the tea reception, judges’ interviews, and rehearsal prior to the contest.
The reigning Miss Berkeley County Youth Fair Queen is required to attend the reception, judges’ interviews, and rehearsal in the following year. If she desires a bouquet, the organization she represents is responsible for providing it for the evening of the contest.
The Miss Berkeley County Youth Fair Queen must be present throughout the Fair to distribute ribbons and awards to all recipients and attend designated events. Her responsibilities should not interfere with her livestock care, showing, or club/chapter duties.
The young woman selected as a runner-up must be available to assist with the duties of the Queen when instructed by the Miss Berkeley County Youth Fair Queen Chair.
The Miss Berkeley County Youth Fair Queen is expected to represent the Berkeley County Youth Fair at various activities set by the Berkeley County Youth Fair Board. Appearances as Miss BCYF should not interfere with education, family routines, or similar matters, but should be agreed upon by the Miss BCYF chair, the Miss BCYF queen, and her family.
Miss BCYF’s appearances are meant to represent the entire youth community and should not be used to endorse or advertise a specific brand, product, or individual commercial interest. The only exception to this rule is for events sponsored by the Berkeley County Youth Fair. She should also avoid showing favoritism in general.
The Miss Berkeley County Youth Fair Queen automatically gains voting privileges as a member of the Berkeley County Youth Fair Board during her reign.
Any former Miss Berkeley County Youth Fair Queen is ineligible to compete in the contest in subsequent years.
The Miss Berkeley County Youth Fair Queen cannot hold or accept any other West Virginia Fair and Festival title, except for the WVAFF Queen title (excluding the Homecoming Queen, Prom Queen, or Beauty/Charm Queen from their respective schools) while she retains the title of Miss Berkeley County Youth Fair Queen. Miss BCYF may also run for the Miss West Virginia title using her title as Miss BCYF at her own expense.
The girl who was crowned the 2025 Miss Berkeley County Youth Fair Queen is the only person authorized to wear the Miss Berkeley County Youth Fair Queen crown, pin, and sash during her reign.
The crown and sash given at the time of crowning are the only ones the current Queen will wear while representing the Berkeley County Youth Fair.
The application must be completed electronically by July 1, 2025, and submitted before 11:59 pm. An email from missbcyf@berkeleycountyyouthfair.org will be sent once the application is received.
Message from the Queen
“Over the past year I have had the privilege to serve as your 2024 Miss Berkeley County Youth Fair Queen. During my reign I have had the opportunity to travel over 2,000 miles across the great state of West Virginia. During my time I have visited local schools in Berkeley County to teach them about agriculture and all that our Youth Fair has to offer. I have attended all Fair board meetings to be the voice of the youth, participated in 3 local parades, and had the opportunity to compete in Charleston, WV at the West Virginia Association of Fair and Festivals pageant along with amazing other opportunities that arose along the way.
As the current Queen, I want to extend my heartfelt encouragement to any exhibitor who is eligible to compete for this title. Embarking on this journey is a testament to your courage, grace and determination. Always remember that this experience is not about the crown, but about the growth, friendships, and connections you will create along your reign. I wish you all the best of luck. May your confidence soar and your hearts always be filled with joy. You are all queens in your own rights, and I am excited to see the incredible journeys you will embark upon.”
With Love and Pride,
2024 Miss Berkeley County Youth Fair Queen
Hayley Silkworth