Youth Exhibitor Indoor Projects
Educational Exhibits
Linda Kisner – Chairperson
- Educational exhibits must be preregistered by June 15, 2025 and turned in on Saturday, August 2nd, 2025, between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm.
- Display space will be uniform for all exhibits. The space allotted for each exhibit will be approximately 3 ft. (frontage) by 3 ft. deep.
- Exhibits must be of an education nature. It is suggested that each group portray the purpose and objectives of a particular activity, project or phase of its organization’s work.
- Educational exhibits are to be placed at the time the indoor exhibits are being received.
- Only one educational exhibit per organizational club/chapter.
- All exhibits will be scored and classified in groups as follows: Blue Ribbon, Red Ribbon and White Ribbon. The following score card will be used as a guide only:
- Uses effective caption or title sign…………..5 points
- Draws attention……………………………….15 points
- Arouses and holds interest………………….20 points
- Has much informational value………………25 points
- Promotes decision and action………………15 points
- Has pleasing appearance……………………15 points
- Uses explanatory material effectively………5 points
Cash Awards will be made as follows:
- Blue Ribbon – 90-100 points – $25.00
- Red Ribbon – 80-89 points – $15.00
- White Ribbon – 70-79 points – $10.00
Linda Kisner, Chairperson, 4-H Leader
Michael Withrow, 4-H Agent
WVU Berkeley County 4-H Extension
All 4-H Exhibitors participating at the Berkeley County Youth Fair are reminded to follow fair rules, register on-line with fair officials as directed, and check the fair web site for fair information and updates.
- Please read each 4-H project exhibit requirement as described and explained on the indoor exhibits webpage
If exhibits do not meet the requirements as specified in the project requirement packet, points will be deducted.
- All Posters 14” x 22” and Tri Fold Display Boards not to exceed 36” x 48”. All exhibits must be exhibitors own work and of the current 4-H year, October 1, 2024 to the date of Fair.
- Exhibitors name should not be visible on the project exhibit.
- “Properly labeled” means to label your project according to the specifications given for that project exhibit.
- Self-Determined projects that may require larger space for display must be approved by fair officials.
- All projects must be preregistered by June 15, 2025 on the fair’s website.
Boys & Girls Club
P.O. Box 1184, Martinsburg, WV 25402
(304) 263-2696
United Way Partner Agency
Youth Fair Participant since 1971
Mission and Program Philosophy
The mission of the Boys & Girls Club is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. With the Youth Development Strategy as a foundation, club programs are designed to provide girls and boys ages 6 to 18 with responsible adult guidance, encouragement, and support. By offering consistent, concerned adults, better able to benefit from and meet the responsibilities of life.
Programs include: photography, physical and social recreation, computer education, homework help and tutoring, nutritious meals, art programs and much more. Stop by for a FREE one week pass and join in the fun today!
“Jack Beavers” Award: Best three print portfolio (1st premium)
“Bill Kibler” Award: Best Single Color Print
“Fred Jackson” Award: Best Single Black & White Print
“Nancy Rodig” Award: Best Abstract Print
“Bob Houck” Award: Best Portrait Print
“Charlie Hizer” Award: Judge’s Favorite Print
For information about exhibiting at the 2025 Berkeley County Youth Fair or to join a Boys & Girls Club Photography Class, call (304) 263-0586 or (304) 263-2696.
Girl Scouts
- All participants must be currently registered with the Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital.
- All exhibits must be the exhibitor’s own completed badge work of the current Girl Scout year (October 2024 to Present).
- One entry per section. Food items must be covered with plastic wrap and placed on paper plates.
- Poster should be no bigger than 14” x 22” and Tri Fold Display Boards not to exceed 36” x 48”.
- Individual entries must be labeled with Girl Scout’s name, age, grade, Girl Scout level, troop number and section participating.
- Troop exhibit must be labeled with Troop number and Girl Scout level along with a list of the members and the grade and age ranges.
- All entries must be pre-registered with the Berkeley County Youth Fair via on-line registration by June 15, 2025.
Boy Scouts
On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong; Mentally awake and morally straight.
- Participants must be actively registered in the Boy Scouts of America.
- All entries must have been completed since the last Youth Fair. This is in keeping with the purpose of the Youth Fair, to encourage the youth to look for new horizons; and to gain knowledge and experience.
- An exhibitor must not have more than one entry in each class
- Each entry must be labeled with the Scout’s name, age, Unit No. and the exhibit classification. (Example – John Doe, Age 10, Pack 2, 11-A-2)
- Each entry will be judged on its own merits and not competitively.
- Space for and location of all exhibits will be assigned by the official in charge.
- The Berkeley County Youth Fair will not be responsible for loss or damage to exhibits but will take due care of all exhibits.
- Exhibits must be pre-registered on-line by June 15, 2025.
4-H Style Review
July 26, 2025
Arden United Methodist Church
Family Life Center
4:45 – 5:00p.m. – Register at the table in the Family Life Center.
5:00p.m. – Judging will begin and should be completed before noon.
Practice for Style Revue will be on the Stage in the Family Life Center.
Awards Presentation & Style Show:
Saturday, August 2, 2025, 4:00 p.m.
Indoor Arena
3:00 pm: Modeling of Sewing Projects and Presentation of Awards Indoor Arena Stage
- Participants are required to be a 4-H member who is taking a sewing project.
- Participants are required to be in the Style Revue Judging event held July 26, 2025, and the Awards and Modeling Program during the Berkeley County Youth Fair, August 2, 2025.
- The exhibitor will wear or bring his/her sewing garment to the Fair prepared to model in the 4-H Style Show, Saturday, August 2,2025 at 4:00 p.m. If an exhibitor needs to change into his/her garment, he/she may change in the handicap accessible restrooms located beside the Indoor Arena.
- If for some reason an exhibitor is unable to participate in any part of the 4-H Style Show, they must contact the Project chairperson by July 7, 2025. If the Exhibitor fails to contact the style Revue chairperson and does not participate during the 4-H Style Revue judging on July 26, 2025, or the 4-H Style Revue and Awards on August 2, 2025, they will complete their project at the Club level.